About the Journal

Online ISSN 1852-6098
Printed ISSN 0065-1729 (to December/2016)

Acta Zoológica Lilloana is a scientific journal of Fundación Miguel Lillo. The journal consists of an annual volume with two fascicles of biannual periodicity, which are published online in June and December. The aim of Acta Zoológica Lilloana is to disseminate original works on zoology and on research fields related to this discipline, such as taxonomy, systematics, morphology, anatomy, histology, physiology, genetics, ecology, biogeography, paleontology, evolution, biodiversity, biological conservation, wildlife management, ethology, zootechnics, animal welfare and scientific education. It is aimed at researchers, professionals and students of biological sciences and related disciplines. The journal publishes works in Spanish, English and Portuguese with summaries in two languages. Works are evaluated by external referees under the format of “simple blind”. Acta Zoológica Lilloana provides open access to its contents with no publication fees for authors.


The journal consists of an annual volume with two fascicles of biannual periodicity, which are published online in June and December; and a printed version on demand.


The aim of Acta Zoológica Lilloana is to disseminate original works on zoology and on research fields related to this discipline, such as systematics, morphology, anatomy, histology, physiology, genetics, ecology, biogeography, paleontology, evolution, biodiversity, biological conservation, wildlife management, ethology, zootechnics, animal welfare and scientific education.


It is aimed at researchers, professionals and students of biological sciences and related disciplines.

Thematic coverage

Systematics, morphology, anatomy, histology, physiology, genetics, ecology, biogeography, paleontology, evolution, biodiversity, biological conservation, wildlife management, ethology, zootechnics, animal welfare and scientific education.

Editorial policy

Open Access

Adhesion to the OA modality. The publications are available online for the reader, without economic, legal or technical barriers other than those inseparable from accessing the Internet itself.

Authors also participate in the Open Access modality.

Code of ethics

The academic journals of the Fundación Miguel Lillo adhere to the editorial guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Plagiarism detection

Plagiarism violates legal norms of copyright and ethical practices. The manuscripts received by this journal are supervised by plagiarisma.net and turnItIn. We are implementing the workflow process of Comitee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

If plagiarism is detected, proceed to:

  • Inform the corresponding author and co-authors.
  • Publish a retraction about work.
  • Remove the online version of the corresponding publication.
  • Sanction the corresponding author and co-authors according to the editorial evaluation of the case.

Spinak, E. (2014). Ética editorial – cómo detectar el plagio por medios automatizados. Scielo. Recuperado de http://blog.scielo.org/es/2014/02/12/etica-editorial-como-detectar-el-plagio-por-mediosautomatizados/#.WX8l9ieQzCI
Committee on Publication Ethics. Flowcharts. Recuperado de https://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts

Digital preservation

The Fundación Miguel Lillo is committed to preserving academic periodicals in digital format, with HTML and pdf interoperability formats, with free and free access from its website (lillo.org.ar). It has a digital repository for internal use and it is expected to have a digital repository with external access.

Interoperability protocols

Acta Zoológica Lilloana has interoperability protocols, OAI and Dublin Core:


Note: Dublin Core metadata is embedded in the <head> header of the HTML code for the harvester.

Rights of use (Copyright)

Fundación Miguel Lillo Foundation, Ministerio de Educación (Argentina), maintains its commitment to Open Access policies to scientific information, considering that both scientific publications and research financed with public funds must circulate on the Internet freely, free and without restrictions.

Some rights reserved. Any derivative work must be previously authorized by the editors.
This publication is under a  Licencia Creative Commons Atribución – No Comercial – Sin Obra Derivada 4.0 Internacional.

Licencia Creative Commons

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