Rock friction and earthquake prediction / editors, James D. Byerlee, Max Wyss. - Basel : Birkhäuser Verlag, 1978. - p. 584-991 : ilus. ; 25 cm. - Contributions to current research in geophysics ; 6. . - Contributions to current research in geophysics ; v. 6. .

Reprinted from Pure and applied geophysics, v. 116, no. 4/5, 1978. Reimpresion de "Pure and applied geophysics", v. 116. no 4/5 1978.

Includes bibliographies. Incluye bibliografias.


Rock mechanics.
Earthquake prediction.
Faults (Geology)
Mecanica de las Rocas
Prediccion de Terremotos
Fallas (Geologia)
Geologia USA-Boston University

Terremotos Sismos Movimientos Sismicos Geofisica