Progressive metamorphism of the calcium-rich rocks of the Gosaisyo-Takanuki District
Progressive metamorphism of the calcium-rich rocks of the Gosaisyo-Takanuki District - - 1953 - 25p. 24cm - Japanese journal of geology and geography v.23 .
--Metamorfismo--Rocas ricas en calcio--Abukuma--Japon--Minas--Petrologia--Rocas metamorficas--Japon
Progressive metamorphism of the calcium-rich rocks of the Gosaisyo-Takanuki District - - 1953 - 25p. 24cm - Japanese journal of geology and geography v.23 .
--Metamorfismo--Rocas ricas en calcio--Abukuma--Japon--Minas--Petrologia--Rocas metamorficas--Japon