The Danish Ingolf Expedition.

Danish Ingolf Expedition.

The Danish Ingolf Expedition. - Copenhagen - V 2: 1-7; V 3: 1-13; V 4: 2-14; V 5: 1-14; V 6: 2-4 .

V 1. pt 1. Report of the voyage by C. F. Wandel V 1. pt 2. Hydrography by M. Knudsen V 2. pt 1. Ichtiological results by Chr. Lutken V 2. pt 2. On the appendices genitales in the Greenland Shark by Hector F. E. Jungersen V 2. pt 3. Nudibranchiate Gaste ropoda by R. Bergh V 2. pt 4. The north - european and Greenland Lycodinae by Adolf S. Jensen V 2. pt 5. Lamellibranchiata by Ad. S. Jensen V 3. pt 1. Pycnogonidae by Fr. Meinert V 3. pt 2. Crustacea Malacostraca I: by H. J. Hansen I: Decapoda, Euphausiacea, Mysidacea V 3. pt 3. Crustacea Melacostraca, II: by H. J. Hansen Tanaidacea V 3. pt 4. Copepoda by Carl With I. Calanoida. Amphascandria V 3. pt 5. Crustacea Malacostraca, III: by H. J. Hansen Isopoda V 3. pt 6. Crustacea Malacostraca, IV: by H. J. Hansen Cumacea and Nebaliacea V 3. pt 7. Crustacea Copepoda, II: by H. J. Hansen Copepoda Parasita and Hemiparasita V 3. pt 8. Crustacea Malacostraca, V: by Stephensen Amphipoda V 3. pt 9. Crustacea Malacostraca VI: by K. Stephensen Amphipoda II V 3. pt 10. Rhizocephala of the North Atlantic Region by H. Boschma V 3. pt 11. Crustacea Malacostraca, VII by K. Stephensen Amphipoda III V 3. pt 12. Two Crustaceans (a Cirriped and a Copepod) endoparasitic in Ophiurids by K. Stephensen V 3. pt 13. Crustacea Malacostraca, VIII: by K. Stephensen Amphipoda IV V 4. pt 1. Echinoidea I by Th. Mortensen V 4. pt 2. Echinoidea, II by Th. Mortensen V 4. pt 3. Chaetognaths by R. Von Ritter-Zahony V 4. pt 4. Annelide I by Hjalmar Ditlevsen V 4. pt 5. Crinoides by A. H. Clark V 4. pt 7. Priapulidae and Sipunculidae by E. Wesenberg-Lund V 4. pt 6. Free-living nematodes by Hjamar Ditlevsen V 4. pt 8. Ophiuroidea by Th. Morfensen V 4. pt 9. Holothurioidea, I by s. G. Heding V 4. pt 10. Asteroidea, I by Ingvald Lieberkind I: Porcellanasteridae V 4. pt 11. Tomopteridae and Typhloscolecidae by E. Wesenberg-Lund V 4. pt 12. Brachiopoda by E. Wesenberg-Lund V 4. pt 13. Holothurioidea, II by S. G. Hedding V 5. pt 1. Pennatulida by H. F. E. Jungersen V 5. pt 2. Ctenophora by Th. Mortensen V 5. pt 3. Ceriantharia by O. Carlgren V 5. pt 4. Zoantharia by O. Carlgren V 5. pt 5. Stylasteridae by H. Broch V 5. pt 6. Hydroida. I by H. Broch V 5. pt 7. Hydroida II by H. Broch V. 5. pt 8. Medusae I, Leptomedusae by P. L. Kramp V. 5. pt 9. Actiniaria I by O. Carlgren V 5. pt 10. Medusas, II by P. L. Kramp V 5. pt 11. Anthomastus by F. E. Jungersen V 5. pt 12. Actiniaria, II by O. Karlgren V 5. pt 13. Octocorallia by F. Jensenius Madsen V 6. pt 1. Porifera, I. Homorraphidae and Heterorrhaphidae by K. Lundbeck V 6. pt 2. Porifera II. Desmacidonidae by W. Lundbeck V 6. pt 4. Hexactineliidae by Maurice Burton