Progress Report on Dusts Containing Rotenone for the Control of Flea Beetles Attacking Shade - Grown Cigar - Wrapper Tobaccos.
Chamberlain, F. S. and A. H. Madden.
Progress Report on Dusts Containing Rotenone for the Control of Flea Beetles Attacking Shade - Grown Cigar - Wrapper Tobaccos. - Florida - USA - The Flor. Entom. ; Volumen XX - Nº 2 - 25 -26 pp .
Progress Report on Dusts Containing Rotenone for the Control of Flea Beetles Attacking Shade - Grown Cigar - Wrapper Tobaccos. - Florida - USA - The Flor. Entom. ; Volumen XX - Nº 2 - 25 -26 pp .