Concept and use of an integrated database system for the Chaco Appication to a preliminary checklist. Contribution to the study of the flora and vegetation of the Chaco. II /
Zellweger, C. et al..
Concept and use of an integrated database system for the Chaco Appication to a preliminary checklist. Contribution to the study of the flora and vegetation of the Chaco. II / by Zellweger, C. et al. - Ginebra - Candollea ; 45 (2): 581-689 .
Concept and use of an integrated database system for the Chaco Appication to a preliminary checklist. Contribution to the study of the flora and vegetation of the Chaco. II / by Zellweger, C. et al. - Ginebra - Candollea ; 45 (2): 581-689 .