Ultrastructural morphology of the body wall, stoma, and stomatostyle of the nematode,...
Byers, J.R. and R.V. Anderson
Ultrastructural morphology of the body wall, stoma, and stomatostyle of the nematode,... - - CAN 1972 - - Canadian Journal of Zoology v.50(4) .
--Zoologia--Nematodos--Nematoda--Tylenchorhynchus dubuis Bütschli,1873Morfologia--
Ultrastructural morphology of the body wall, stoma, and stomatostyle of the nematode,... - - CAN 1972 - - Canadian Journal of Zoology v.50(4) .
--Zoologia--Nematodos--Nematoda--Tylenchorhynchus dubuis Bütschli,1873Morfologia--