A new Leptotyphlops from Matto Grosso, with notes on Leptotyphlops Tenella Klauber
Bailey,Joseph R. y A.L. de Carvalho
A new Leptotyphlops from Matto Grosso, with notes on Leptotyphlops Tenella Klauber - - USA 1946 - - Boletim do Museu Nacional (Nova Serie) Zoologia v.52 .
--Leptotyphlops Tenella--Leptotyphlops--Reptiles--Mato Grosso--Brasil--Brasil
A new Leptotyphlops from Matto Grosso, with notes on Leptotyphlops Tenella Klauber - - USA 1946 - - Boletim do Museu Nacional (Nova Serie) Zoologia v.52 .
--Leptotyphlops Tenella--Leptotyphlops--Reptiles--Mato Grosso--Brasil--Brasil