Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)
Li Dajue and Hans-Henning Mundel
Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) - - Roma - ITAL International Plant Genetic Resources Institute 1996 - 83p. Gris - Promoting de conservation and use of inderutilized and neglected v.7 .
Botanica--Plantas alimenticias--Recursos geneticos--Plantas comestibles--Conservacion(Plantas)--Botanica Economica--Plantas cultivadas--
Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius) - - Roma - ITAL International Plant Genetic Resources Institute 1996 - 83p. Gris - Promoting de conservation and use of inderutilized and neglected v.7 .
Botanica--Plantas alimenticias--Recursos geneticos--Plantas comestibles--Conservacion(Plantas)--Botanica Economica--Plantas cultivadas--